Who we are?
Briggs Engineering and Testing is one of the region’s largest 3rd party independent testing and inspection agencies in the state. We’ve provided comprehensive QA services on hundreds of transformative projects across the New England region. Our manpower, expertise, technical competency, and financial strength are cornerstone attributes that allow us to complete projects in the highest professional manner. Owners will have “Peace of Mind” knowing that Briggs E&T is on the job.

70 Years
Originally started by Mr. Robert Briggs in the 1950’s, Briggs Engineering and Testing has continued to provide sustainable consulting and testing for more than 70 years. We are a privately owned company with corporate offices located south of Boston in Rockland, Massachusetts. We also have a second facility located in Cumberland, Rhode Island. Briggs currently offers complete construction inspection and materials testing services from soils compaction testing through building envelope diagnostics, testing and inspection services. All of our service are provided in-house with no need to outsource. Click on the “Right Services” for a full line of our complete quality assurance and consulting services.

Fully Equipped
Since our establishment over 70-years ago, we have provided quality engineering, project management, inspection and testing services to clients in the transportation and building construction industry. Our team has been involved in all aspects of project development from conception to schematic, final design through the end of construction. Our team has been recognized in the industry for innovative solutions that meet our client’s needs in an effective and efficient manner. BET works in collaboration with our client and their additional engineering teams in both the public & private sectors.

The Right Services
Briggs’ capabilities, coupled with our skilled staff are well suited to today’s fast paced and challenging construction projects. This makes Briggs E&T the clear choice to meet your most stringent quality assurance requirements and allow us to continually perform above expectation. On average each of our department heads have over 25 years experience in various disciplines.